Monday, August 20, 2012

Motivation from others...what gets you moving!?!?! :)

Surprise, surprise…I’ve been traveling once again which is why my blog has been abandoned but I’m here to catch you all up with a few good work out ideas and what I’ve been up to.  I want to first say THANK YOU to all of the AMAZING feedback I’ve gotten from family and friends.  I hope you all continue to support my blog and don’t forget…I’d LOVE for it to be interactive.  I’m going to try to have a question of the day and I would love to hear some of your comments.  Here’s just a few kudos I’ve gotten recently; you guys are AWESOME ;)

Last Tuesday I pushed myself at the gym because I knew I would be leaving for St. Louis for 3 days and while I always take my gym clothes on the go, it’s not always easy to hit the gym when you’re traveling.  After my tough leg work out that I had on Monday, I wanted to follow this up with a pretty difficult arm workout.  I started with a 3 mile run with a few intervals in between…here is one of my fun treadmill routines: 

Followed by my strength training work out which just focused on biceps and triceps:
Dumbbell Bicep Curls:  3 sets of 15 (15 pounds)
Barbell Bicep Curls:  3 sets of 25 (20 pounds)
Assisted Dip Machine:  3 sets of 25 (45 pounds)
Skull Crushers (w/ barbell):  3 sets of 20 (20 pounds)
Tricep Cable Pull-Downs:  3 sets of 20 (30 pounds)
…my arms were definitely feeling it!!!

For lunch, I had a chicken burger (21 grams of protein!) and a small side salad. 

And to get me through my afternoon I snapped into a slim gym and had a Spark drink!

After 4 long, tough years, I’ve finally made it through my development program at Merrill Lynch and in recognition of that, I was sent to St. Louis for a few days of business and fun.  This was my first time visiting St. Louis and I do have to say that I was pleasantly surprised.  I spent my 3 nights in the beautiful Ritz Carlton..

…and was wined and dined! 

Overall my trip to the city was wonderful.  I met a lot of my peers and got to hear best practices and learn quite bit from the speakers they had lined up for us.  One interesting fact I’ll give you guys from one of the speakers:  if you take a cold shower (even if it’s just few a few minutes during your normal shower), there are several benefits…improves blood circulation, relieves depression, keeps your skin and hair healthy, strengthens immunity, increases testosterone (there you go guys!!!), increases fertility and increases energy and well-being.  I’ve actually done this for a while at the end of my showers.  I find it really refreshing and especially in the mornings it’s a quick way to get your motor running before a long work day!!  Give it a try :)

My workouts were on a pause this week but I did manage to get in a nice 3 mile run on Thursday morning with a few of my colleagues who also are runners.  We ran through a few neighborhoods with beautiful historical looking homes and also ran past a local university.  One thing I LOVE about city life is they really cater to walkers/runners/bikers, etc.  They had a bike/running path on the main road which was about the same size as the normal driving road; it was AWESOME to not have to worry about running on a sidewalk or watching out for cars. 
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to take advantage of the hotel gym which was something that I was REALLY looking forward to.  Is it weird that the hotel gym is one of the first things I check out as soon as I get into my room? 
Question of the day:  What do you do in the form of exercise or trying to eat right while traveling?

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